TextMeshPro Input Fields in Unity: From Basics to Advanced Features ?

Uploaded by Christina Creates Games
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Whether you need to allow players to rename characters, buy items, or input values in-game, the TextMeshPro Input field will make your life easier.

In this video, I will guide you step by step through the process of creating a TextMeshPro Input Field in Unity. Starting from a simple scene setup, we will explore all the key features and components of the TextMeshPro Input Field, explaining how to customize them to best fit your game.

From creating and customizing the input field to writing a simple script for grabbing the player's input, you'll learn everything you need to know to utilize this super helpful feature.

Moreover, I'll provide tips on how to limit characters, filter input content, and enhance the user experience by manipulating caret appearance, placeholder text, and much more. By the end of this video, you will know how to build an input field from scratch and how to use the advanced features of TextMeshPro Input Field in Unity to make your game more interactive and engaging.

-- We will cover --
00:00 What to use the TextMeshPro Input field for
00:22 Our final outcome of this tutorial
00:41 Setup of the basic scene
00:57 Adding an input field
01:21 Structure of the input field and customizing the look
01:53 How to get value from TextMeshPro Input Field
02:29 UnityEvents provided by the Input Field
02:53 Call a method when player hits enter in Input field
03:24 Test run
03:46 How to limit number of characters the player can enter in the input field
04:19 How to set up the input field to only allow for numbers, letters or special cases
04:33 In case of Numbers: Add parsers to your script that parse from string to int or float
04:43 How to display stars instead of input values for passwords
04:49 How to disable Rich tag entry and why you should care
05:14 Quality of life features
05:28 Customizing the look of the caret and selection color
05:44 How to grab your player's attention for input fields: animation
06:51 Adding a button to click set the value instead of enter
