10 of our most popular Unity3d Tips

Uploaded by Binary Impact
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On our Twitter ► https://twitter.com/BinaryImpactG we have a unity tip every Tuesday this is a collection of the most liked ones!

00:00 Introduction
00:18 Activate and Deactivate
00:40 Warning 0649
02:26 Degree to Radians
03:04 Random points on circle and radius
03:52 Extension Methods
04:18 Cheap Volumetrics
04:57 Editor tag
05:26 Reset a component
05:41 Continuous collision detection
06:35 CompareTag
07:20 Conclusion

Find the original tips here:
Save a few mouse-meters each day: shift + alt + a activates or deactivates the currently selected gameobject https://twitter.com/BinaryImpactG/status/1341337691783192576

If you use the pattern [SerializeField] private int _myVar; and stumble upon the warning 0649 here are three ways to deal with it https://twitter.com/BinaryImpactG/status/1326117401142943745

Of course it is very good to know how to get from degree to radians ( rad = deg * PI / 180 )
But you could also use one of the constants from the Mathf library ( Mathf.Deg2Rad ) https://twitter.com/BinaryImpactG/status/1321043967971131393

Two functions to return random points on a circle & a sphere, given a radius. We wanted to highlight two very useful methods in Unitys Random class. https://twitter.com/BinaryImpactG/status/1318483655392624642

You can use extension methods to add functionality specific to a particular enum type. In our example we use an enum to define neighbors on a square tiled board. And we add quality of life methods to the enumeration. https://twitter.com/BinaryImpactG/status/1315939667062161408

You can use a LineRenderer for cheap fake volumetrics in the background to improve your visuals. https://twitter.com/BinaryImpactG/status/1313418728701218819

Use the predefined tag EditorOnly to get objects automatically removed in your builds. Pretty handy for debugging objects which you do not need in the release version. https://twitter.com/BinaryImpactG/status/1305808581795565568

Use the reset method to fill your values with standards. Very usefull to reduce the amount of drag and drops. https://twitter.com/BinaryImpactG/status/1280437651816890370

Do you miss collisions on fast moving objects? Set the collision detection to continuous in the attached Rigidbody to catch them. https://twitter.com/BinaryImpactG/status/1224614628161925120

Using gameObejct.tag in any check is about 50% slower than using gameObject.CompareTag https://twitter.com/BinaryImpactG/status/1219560340473688064


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