Unity Top Down Respawn Mechanism - Tutorial

Uploaded by CouchFerret makes Games
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Today, we're gonna talk about respawning archers in Unity. We'll do it in a special way to avoid spawn camping that we all hate in games for sure. We'll create a new Game Logic object to handle all the logics in our game and we'll use GameObject.Find() and GameObject.GetComponent() to access this scene object. Also we'll upgrade our Unity and solve all the issues that comes with it.

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Hi, I'm CouchFerret and follow me on my journey of indie game development. You will find in depth tutorials about developing games in Unity. We will cover topics from programming to art and game design. Whether you are an expert or beginner, you will definitely find new tips and tricks about the whole game development process. These how to videos help you learn unity to develop 2d and 3d games on your own.

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#Unity #UnityTutorial #gamedev