How to correctly use font weights and font families in TextMesh Pro

Uploaded by Christina Creates Games
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Using different Font weights like Bold or Italic, as well as whole Font Families is super easy in TextMeshPro in Unity. You just need to set them up once and you can easily use and customize them everywhere in your project. In this tutorial, I will show you how you can use stylesheets in TextMeshPro to make your life easier while finetuning your game's typography!

One little "but": If you do not use text styles consistently or at all throughout your project, and instead have dedicated "this text box uses the [BOLD] fon asset" and you want to use its corresponding italic style: You will have to set up the font styles in the font asset again just like I showed you for the regular style. If you use styles, though and Bold/Italicise your fonts through tags, one-time set up is all you need.

-- Chapters --
00:00 What we are going to learn
00:21 What is a font family? And why use them?
01:05 What happens if you do not have the correct font weight installed
01:37 The problem with TextMeshPro's handling of font weights
02:06 Filling in the font weights in your main font asset
03:01 The quick fix
03:28 The better way: Creating stylesheets for Font weights so you can reuse them easily
04:07 Why go the extra way of using a style sheet?
