Depot: Free JSON Game Database Editor

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In this video we talk with Kyle Kukshtel, creator of Depot a free open source game data editor which runs as a Visual Studio Code extension.

Kyle developed Depot as part of the process of working on his awesome character driven strategy game Cantata, set in a spiritual sci-fi world.

Depot allows you to edit your game database in a spreadsheet-like approach directly inside the VS Code IDE. It's inspired by tools like Castle DB but designed to work well with C# and Unity.

In the video Kyle talks about his thought process in creating Depot, why giving back to the indie game dev community with tools is important and why this is a better approach than putting game data in spreadsheets, CSV file or Google sheets.

You can find Depot for free on the Visual Studio Marketplace here:

And check out Kyle and his awesome game Cantata here:

Wishlist Cantata on Steam:


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